Over the past 10 years, rail freight carloads have seen no growth, but in fact have dropped over 23 percent. Over the same time period, the truck tonnage index, which measures the gross tonnage of freight which is transported by motor carriers in the U.S., increased over 17 percent. In response to the decline in freight rail carloads and to investigate recent trends, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) opened Docket No. EP 775 (Growth in the Freight Rail Industry). The STB will hold a public hearing September 16-17, 2024 in order to gather information from various stakeholders to better understand the factors driving industry growth.
The STB requested executive-level officials from all six Class I railroads attend the public hearing. The STB also welcomed testimony and comments from industry experts, other rail carriers, rail customers, rail suppliers, labor organizations, and any other interested parties who are able to share insight on how the rail industry has changed and how it may grow in the future.
The STB has received written testimony and comments from various organizations/companies and interested parties that are key stakeholders in the rail freight industry, including The American Chemistry Council, National Coal Transportation Association, The National Industrial Transportation League, Association of American Railroads, and more.
Click here to read the STB's Notice of Public Hearing.