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Thomas D. Cooper















L. E. Peabody & Associates, Inc. (Since 2012) -- Mr. Cooper has over 10 years of experience related to economic and transportation consulting. Mr. Cooper oversees and facilitates statistical analysis and research for North American clients.


Mr. Cooper is responsible for modeling and forecasting the quarterly changes in the Rail Cost Adjustment Factor ("RCAF") indexes, the All-Inclusive Index Less Fuel (“AIILF”), the gross domestic product implicit price deflator (“GDP/IPD”), the producer price index series (“PPI”) and the consumer price index series (“CPI”). L.E. Peabody & Associates, Inc. develops quarterly RCAF and AIILF forecasts based on proprietary economic models. Mr. Cooper plays a role in maintaining these proprietary forecast models and incorporating any necessary changes to ensure the models are current and can be relied upon in the quarterly forecasts.


Mr. Cooper is responsible for forecasts of the price of natural gas delivered to utilities and the Powder River Basin (“PRB”) coal market. He researched, analyzed, and forecasted the PRB contract and spot coal prices, as well as the PRB production, capacity, and employment.


Mr. Cooper determined the fair market value of rail lines by estimating the net liquidation value (“NLV”) and the going concern value (“GCV”). Estimating the NLV and GCV requires extensive research, as it is necessary to determine the quantity and condition of every piece of material along the issue rail line. The GCV requires a forecast of the traffic, revenue, and expenses for the traffic moving along the rail line. The NLV and GCV analyses were developed to aid clients in negotiations, as well as determine the feasibility of restoring/constructing rail lines.


Mr. Cooper is responsible for analyzing bids submitted to utilities by coal producers and railroads. Mr. Cooper analyzes the bids and identifies the various costs incurred by the utilities for each option.


Mr. Cooper assisted in the evaluation of the Surface Transportation Board’s (“STB”) annual Uniform Railroad Costing System (“URCS”) program. This program allows for the development of URCS costs for variable cost analyses soon after the annual filings by each railroad are released.


Mr. Cooper assisted in developing evidence included in several STB proceedings related to maximum rail rates for rail shippers. He assisted in fact gathering and the resulting cost of service and/or forecasted maximum rates associated with transporting various commodities by rail throughout the United States. He was responsible for developing a database which was used to estimate various railroad costs in one STB maximum rate proceeding.


Mr. Cooper is responsible for maintaining discovery data received in the course of a specific litigated proceeding. He is responsible for collecting, reviewing, logging, and distributing the data to the appropriate members of the litigation Team. As part of the discovery process, he maintains the discovery log and answers discovery related questions that may arise throughout proceeding.


Mr. Cooper collects and evaluates Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") and Energy Information Administration ("EIA") data in order to evaluate the changes to and the seasonality of the delivered costs of fuel to different electric utilities located across the United States. He is responsible for putting together a monthly summary based on EIA data which was developed using an in-house economic model. This summary is sent to clients and compares the delivered costs of coal, allowing clients to see how they compare to other utilities in the same region.





Mr. Cooper received a Master of Science in Economics from Florida State University in 2011 and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Economics) from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2009.








Thomas Cooper
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